Your Astrology, Your Life!
The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) of April 4, 2015 at 14 deg. 24 min. Libra, 5:05 am PDT features a Blood Moon (see;; The Blood Moon has a variety of definitions from Astronomy to religious prophesy - an interesting read, for sure. This Eclipse is known as a tetrad (meaning a group of four). It is the third of the fourth sequence which began with the Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) on April 15, 2014 at 25 deg. 16 min. Libra, 0:42 am PDT, the Lunar Eclipse on October 8, 2014 at 15 deg. 05 min. Aries, at 3:15 am PDT, the present Eclipse Apr 4, 2014 as mentioned above and the final Lunar Eclipse on Sept 27, 2015 at 4 deg. 40 min. Aries, at 7:50 pm PDT. Eclipses produce a vibrational increase in energy and can have huge impact if the degrees of the Eclipse coincide with planets in the Natal or Progressed charts as well as any transiting planets that might be in place at that time. Generally speaking, this Eclipse has the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra therefore, there can questions or issues regarding relationships - both to ourselves and to 'the other' whether that other is a person, place or thing. This would be the perfect time to have those conversations and say those things that have needed to be said. Aries can have a tendency to jump off the deep end before considering taking along a life-line. Aries has rulership over the pioneering spirit, leadership, one's temperament, accidents and surgery. Put your consciousness into gear before you initiate action. The Moon in Libra on the other hand, can swing either way of giving over too much in an attempt to find a compromise and keep the peace or ... not budging an inch playing the 'my way or the highway game'. Libra has rulership over things like litigation, contracts, marriage, actors and artists for example. Choosing your priorities and your words carefully can save you a lot of time and regret. How this Eclipse can affect you depends on which of the 12 houses it occupies. Will it be your relationship to finances, a loved one, your career, your health.....The houses are where everything happens! For more information contact Denise at Your Astrology, Your Life’
These days of February, namely the 18th, 19th and the 20th are auspicious days for new beginnings, a new start, a reach for higher achievements. The 18th gave us a Super Moon. Why Super? The moon was closest to earth emitting energetic vibration at its closest proximity. The New Moon begins a new cycle for us every 27+ days – it is considered a ‘seeding’ time. The New Super Moon was located in the last degree of Aquarius (29 degrees). On the 19th, the planet Mars moves into Aries at 00 degrees and the 19th begins the Chinese New Year – The year of the Goat! On the 20th Venus joins Mars at 00 degrees Aries and then, the Moon, in its new cycle, moves into Aries at 00 degree joining Venus and Mars. When planets are in a same or close degree it is called a conjunction – meaning juxtaposition or union. So, what does all that mean? Aries is the first sign in the first house in the natural zodiac. It is where everything begins. Concepts associated with Aries include adventure, initiative, leadership and courage. The planet Mars rules Aries and when Mars is in its rulership, it adds significant clout. Concepts associated with Mars include passion, industriousness, dynamic energy, impulse. Venus is associated with relating; to people, to things, to what has value. Venus reflects our ability to reflect love and devotion to all that we value. The Moon is connected to our emotions, to change, to everyday affairs, to nurturing. These planets at powerful 00 degree of Aries can combine to create an energetic move forward toward what has meaning and value for you - a new project, relationship, adventure or goal. The energy is there for the taking. Carpe Diem! ‘Your Astrology, Your Life’
My aim with this blog is to present an understanding of how the vibratory force, movements and cycles of the planets influence us personally, collectively and globally. It will be an educational blog. I will be explaining my understanding of this precise science as we move through 2015. For a little background on my experience with Astrology, I offer an overview below. In 1971, Astrology came to me when my life was in turmoil. I had three children ages 7, 5 and 6 months. My marriage, a repeat of my childhood upbringing, was deeply dysfunctional. I had no stronghold, no anchor, and no hope. In my presence, a friend of a friend began speaking Astrology in general terms but by explaining the influence of the planets and revealing the timing and effects of cycles, I was gaining insight into my own troubling experience. I gained so much value from that conversation and began the process of making my way out of a very bad situation for myself and my children. Today I teach classes and consult with people from all walks of life. You can link to my website for more information. |
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